Don Siegelman prosecution
2002 election
Main article: 2002 Alabama general election
Whistleblower emerges
Main article: Dana Jill Simpson
- Karl Rove
- Bill Canary
- Leura Canary
- Mark Fuller
- William Pryor
- Jeff Sessions
- ...
External links
- RawStory series on Don Siegelman: parts 1, 2, 3
- Harpers pieces on Siegelman case
- 2007/06/01 - "U.S. Attorneys Scandal—Birmingham"
- 2007/06/09 - "Abramoff and “Justice” in the Heart of Dixie"
- 2007/06/24 - "Justice in Alabama"
- 2007/07/13 - "Noel Hillman and the Siegelman Case"
- 2007/08/03 - "Judge Fuller and the Trial of Don Siegelman"
- 2008/07/24 - "New Allegations of Prosecutorial Misconduct in the Siegelman Case"
- 2009/07/21 - "Sexual Blackmail in the Siegelman Case?"
- CBS "60 Minutes" piece: parts 1, 2, 3, 4
- Huffington Post articles about jury and prosecutorial misconduct
- Raw Story, "In exclusive interview, Alabama whistleblower says Rove trying to smear her", 2008/02/25
- Wayne Madsen, "Rove in another personal attack on witness to GOP crimes", 2008/04/03
- Doss Aviation background with Mark Fuller
- Times Daily, "Judge unseals Scrushy documents", 2007/05/05: "[...] in a position to influence Air Force contracts to Fuller's company. [...] Doss President Frank Hunter said Fuller ceased running Doss Aviation when he [...]"
- Wayne Madsen, ""Loyal Bushie" US Judge who jailed former Alabama Democratic Gov. involved in drug smuggling", 2007/07/12 (John Caylor copy)
- Harpers, "The Pork Barrel World of Judge Mark Fuller", 2007/08/06
- "In other words, Judge Fuller likely made more from his business income, derived from U.S. Government contracts, than as a judge. Fuller is shown on one filing as President of the principal business, Doss Aviation, and his address is shown as One Church Street, Montgomery, Alabama, the address of the Frank M. Johnson Federal Courthouse, in which his chambers are located."
- "Second, there is a case now pending in the Middle District that was initially assigned to Fuller, involving a government contract for the procurement and modification of two Russian helicopters. In the middle of the case sits Maverick Aviation, Inc., of Enterprise, Alabama—the same town from which Fuller hails and where his business operations, which would appear to be similar in scope to those of Maverick Aviation, are sited. From the facts described in several accounts, the company would appear to be a direct competitor with Doss Aviation. Fuller, however, handled this case for several months before his recusal was sought and obtained. The recusal order has been placed under seal, making it impossible to learn what conflicts the parties saw in the matter, nor why Judge Fuller felt free to handle the case for some time before withdrawing. It could be legitimate, or it could be a coverup, and there is no way to find out with the seal in place.Sean Reilly, “Bribery Case Involves Russian Copters, Classified Info,” Mobile Press Register, Mar. 7, 2007, p. 01A."
- John Caylor, "THE MISSING LINK", 2008/05/15: "The person who is probably the "missing link" in the Siegelman prosecution, is the person who links Bob Riley, Rob Riley, Karl Rove, the Bush White House, the US Justice Department and Mark Fuller--Retired Air Force General BOWEN BALLARD (retired CIA "spook").
BOWEN BALLARD was a CIA agent under George H.W. Bush when Bush was the CIA chief. Bowen Ballard remains heavily involved in "behind-the-scenes military/DOD contracts" and was probably the link for Fuller's company, DOSS Aviation, to recieve its huge Air Force contract from DOD. Bowen Ballard is perhaps responsible for EADS going to Alabama/Mobile as a "trade swap" to the Air Force. The Air Force wanted EADS and did not want Boeing. Bowen Ballard arranged for the Air Force to get EADS if the Air Force would "award Doss Aviation/Mark Fuller to prosecute Don Siegleman."
Bowen Ballard is a regular on Bob Riley's international efforts to recruit companies from other countries to re-locate to Alabama. While Ball Canary, Leura Canary, Alice Martin, Rob Riley, Bob Riley, etc., may have initiated the idea of having Karl Rove/Bush WH/Bush Justice Dept., etc, prosecute Don Siegelman, Bowen Ballard was the covert agent tasked to carry out the mission." - John Caylor, annotations to "Lobbyist for the Lost Cause" on 2005/08/16 by Max Blumenthal, 2008/08/07
- "Fuller owns substantial stock in Oceaneering, a CIA funded business operating out of the port of Panama City, Florida. He was the appointed District Attorney in Alabama who guarded the Cocaine smuggling and arms trafficking by the Bush network which utilized Mason and Shriners as well a Klu Klux Klansmen to run drug operations throught the southeast and worldwide with United States Airforce officers who were given individual cuts in the criminal scheme."
- "USAF General Bowen Ballard from Montgomery, Alabama, a CIA officer assumed command of the renegades and placed them in offices of the United States Attorney for the Northern and Middle District of Alabama. Ballard also placed USAF pilots and Intel officers loyal to the criminal enterprise in offices of Alabama Attorney General Troy King. General Ballard is a partner with Billy Cotter and his family at Enterprise, Alabama and like Cotter and his partner Ronny Gilley and partner to Panama City businessman Charles L. Hilton, all are heavily invested in HUD section 8 apartments built and funded by the United States government to laundry proceeds of the criminal enterprise. Ballard alone reportedly owns and controls 5,000 apartments and complexes in Montgomery, Alabama. Ballard and his multi-level groups own and control Colonial Bank, Superior Bank ( Where the Outlaws Motorcycle Gang bank) and a slew of banks they acquired in 2006-2007-2008. Ballard also connects to and owns Identity Ventures (photo below) whose officers are from Texas and live in Destin, Florida. Identity Ventures is apparently egaged in espionage and or selling U.S. goverment military technology to Israel and others nations. (more to come on this)"
- "Glenn Murdock from Enterprise was hired by Karl Rove to secure Republican Perry Hooper a seat on the court as Chief Justice and theafter they would stack it with Republicans loyal to Bush, Sr. and the Nazi network . After securing the state supreme court, Rove pushed the Alabama legislature to do away with public records acts similiar to the Florida Sunshine Law. The Alabama legislature in 1999 encated legislation that forbid criminal defendants to subpoena copies of investigative files and police reports to be used against them. It is impossible to get copies of any file even closed cases. Although, former Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor repeatedly lied to Alabama citizens stating that nothing had changed in the public's ability to see their records. Pryor is another recess appointment like Fuller, both Fuller and Pryor conspired together to rig elections at Coffee County, Alabama as a test for ESS voting machines owned by Republican Chuch Hagel."
- "Its former director John Edward Hurley said in 1986 that he tried to prevent Hines from hosting a fundraiser at the museum for denizens of the Reagan Doctrine, a peculiar gathering of Nicaraguan contras, Afghan-based mujahedeen and members of the Angolan guerrilla group UNITA, which was funded by the South African apartheid regime. Hurley claims that Hines, whom he described as possessed with the "malevolent aroma of the oligarch," retaliated by organizing a series of lawsuits against him that forced the museum to close in 1997. "I was right about these guys in the beginning. They all turned out to be a bunch of white supremacists," Hurley told me, referring to Hines and his allies, who included Goolsby, whom he called "Hines's gofer.""
- Andrew Kreig, "Siegelman Deserves New Trial Because of Judge’s ‘Grudge,’ Evidence Shows", 2009/05/15 (updated 2011/05/25): "A Republican, Fuller also became wealthy via his reported 44 percent controlling ownership in Doss Aviation, whose work includes training U.S. Air Force flight candidates nationwide and refueling Air Force planes. [...] On Oct. 7, 2002, Sessions detailed for his Senate colleagues Fuller’s experience, and strongly supported the nominee’s qualifications. But Sessions failed to notify his colleagues that Fuller had been working from 1989 until mid-2002 as chairman and CEO of Doss Aviation. That overlapped since 1997 with the nominee’s full-time job as an Alabama district attorney supervising work in two counties. [...] Scrushy cited documents stating, for example, that Fuller owned 43.75% of Doss Aviation shares. The only other Doss Aviation shareholder with more than a 6.25 per cent share was Fuller’s former law partner Cassady, who was listed as owning a 25 percent share according to state corporation records. Scrushy argued that Fuller thus benefitted greatly from federal contract awards. Among them was a $178 million U.S. Air Force deal announced in April 2006 whereby Doss would train Air Force flight candidates nationwide in a 10-year deal renewable yearly, thus providing Fuller an incentive to remain in the Bush administration’s good graces. [...] Recent additional research by the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University found that Doss Aviation has been awarded more than $300 million in federal awards since Fuller began presiding over the Siegelman case in 2005."
- Ann Krueger Hussey from the Office of History and Research of the Headquarters Air Education and Training Command at Randolph AFB, "Air Force Flight Screening: Evolutionary Changes, 1917-2003", 2004/12: "However, in 1988 with the number of LATR participants cut by roughly a third (532 in the summer of 1987 compared to 377 in 1988), ATC consolidated all its flight screening program training at the Hondo Municipal Airport where Doss Aviation continued to run the FSP for OTS and foreign students. [...] While the command went through the lengthy process of acquiring a new aircraft, it established a test program at Hondo for the summer and fall of 1990 to see how well the enhanced flight screening program would fit with the Pilot Selection and Classification System. The plan scheduled the test to run alongside the standard T-41 FSP. Doss Aviation leased seven aerobatic-capable aircraft, and OTS’s 1st Flight Screening Squadron, activated on 15 June 1990 to supervise FSP operations at Hondo, would assume the same role for the test. [...] Doss Aviation officials chose an Italian aircraft, the Augusta Siai Marchetti SF-260, for the test. [...] The 12th Flying Training Wing (FTW) at Randolph AFB, Texas, did not receive its first T-3A until 4 February 1994, when the contractor handed over two aircraft at its facility at Hondo. There, Slingsby instructor pilots checked out an initial cadre of six active duty IPs from the 3rd Flying Training Squadron (FTS), along with pilots from Nineteenth Air Force and the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center. This group trained the rest of the squadron’s assigned pilots. In turn, they checked out the contract pilots from Doss Aviation who actually trained the OTS and ROTC students."
- Website of Doss Aviation from mid 2006
- Homepage - address is 3320 Carefree Circle West Colorado Springs, CO 80917; lists key employees as "* Frank G. Hunter - President * David M. Nicola - VP * John D. Nestler - Marketing Dir. * Daniel Dudley - Cost Analyst * Tom Williams - Marketing Mgr. * Dan Adams - Program Manager * Jennifer Tarpenning - Controller * Jane Jensen - Office Assistant * Cathi Archuleta - HR Director * Bonnie McCandless - Office Assistant * Suzanne Schmidt - System Admin/SBLO"
- Flight Training page: "Doss Aviation, Inc. is the proud recipient of the U.S. Air Force Initial Flight Screening Contract. [...] This screening will take place at our massive training facility in Pueblo, CO, just adjacent to the Pueblo Memorial Airport. [...] Doss Aviation, Inc. has extensive experience in training pilots for the United States Air Force, Army and numerous foreign governments."
- Employment page (reader EXE giving the opportunities as of 2006/07/09)
- Website of L3 Doss Aviation from late 2019 - indicates that Doss Aviation was subsequently purchased by L-3 Communications Holdings a.k.a. L3 Technologies now merged into L3Harris Technologies
- Prabook overview of Ellis D. Parker: "Commissioned Second lieutenant United States Army, 1957, advanced through ranks to lieutenant general, 1992, aviation officer, Commander 17th aviation brigade Republic of Korea, 1978-1980. Director requirements army staff Pentagon, Washington, 1980-1983. Assistant division Commander 101st airborne division United States Army, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, 1983-1984, commanding general Army Aviation Center School Fort Rucker, Alabama, 1984-1989.
Director army staff Pentagon, Washington, 1989-1992. Board directors Canada Aviation Electronics, 1993—2008, chairman, Chief Executive Officer Canada, 1993—2001, chairman government security committee, 2001—2008. Co-chairman, board directors Doss Aviation.
Board directors Doss Aviation, Colorado Springs. Chairman, board directors Hammer Construction Company, Samson, Alabama, Aereus International, Enterprise, Alabama." - Joint Base San Antonio, "306th FTG gets new commander", 2012/07/18 (photo from the article: "A Doss Aviation employee unveils Col. Joseph Rizzuto’s name on the side of a T-53A, the military variant of the Cirrus SR-20. Rizzuto took command of the 306th Flying Training Group in a change of command ceremony July 9. Rizzuto comes to the Academy from Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Mike Kaplan)"): "Rizzuto comes to the Academy from the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., where he earned a Master of Science Degree in Military Operational Arts. Prior to attending the Air War College, Rizzuto was assigned to Moody AFB, Ga., where he initially served as the 23rd Wing Chief of Safety and deployed to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, flying A-10C combat missions in support of Operations ENDURING FREEDOM. From 2009 to 2011 he also served as the 23rd Operations Support Squadron commander."
- Don Siegelman interview in September 2017
- Former GOP lawyer Tommy Gallion confirms that Alabama Republicans met to discuss indicting Siegelman and wanted to include Karl Rove
- 2017 documentary: Atticus v. The Architect: The Political Assassination of Don Siegelman by Steve Wimberly
- Don Siegelman, "Rein in the Prosecutors", 2018/02/12