Lee Harvey Oswald
Family and early life
Military career
Soviet defection
Return to the US
New Orleans activism
Mexico City visit
Assassination of JFK
Main article: JFK assassination
Capture and death
Intelligence ties
Political connections
- CIA leadership
- Dallas CIA network
- New Orleans CIA network
External links
Ruth and Michael Paine
- Michael Paine, an employee of Bell Helicopter, allegedly worked for General Walter Dornberger, a Nazi scientist brought to the US under Operation Paperclip
- NASA History Division, SP-4402 Origins of NASA Names, "SECTION IV: MANNED SPACE FLIGHT": "In 1965 Dr. Walter R. Dornberger, Vice President for Research of Textron Corporation's Bell Aerosystems Company, published "Space Shuttle of the Future: The Aerospaceplane" in Bell's periodical Rendezvous. In July Dr. Dornberger gave the main address in a University of Tennessee Space Institute short course: "The Recoverable, Reusable Space Shuttle."7"
New Orleans milieu
- Steve N. Bochan, "The Bolton Ford Dealership Story", 1995/12 - Oswald's name was used by members of the Friends of Democratic Cuba in New Orleans to purchase ten Ford trucks, in January 1961 while Oswald was in the Soviet Union
- Interview with former Guy Banister detective Joseph Newbrough (parts 1, 2) - in part 2 says that Banister did work for various private and public groups, with one public group being the Office of Naval Intelligence
Jack Ruby association
- Per a teletype from New Orleans SAC to Hoover, Jim Garrison purportedly had proof that Oswald listed Ruby as a job reference (from NARA #124-10101-10017): "Informant furnished the following information in the strictest confidence since it was furnished to him by Orvie Aucoin, a cameraman for Channel 12, WVUE-TV, a neighbor of the informant, who swore informant to secrecy before furnishing the information. Informant advised that according to Aucoin, he had talked to the judge who had handled the matter involving Clay Shaw and this judge stated that after he had seen the evidence District Attorney Garrison has, he strongly believes that if the case against Clay Shaw goes to a jury, the jury will vote 11 to 1 in favor of a conviction.
According to Aucoin, Garrison’s ace in the hole is well documented proof consisting of a certified photostatic copy of a job application made by Lee Harvey Oswald in his own handwriting during the spring or summer of 1963 with a trucking company, name not mentioned, believed to be in New Orleans, in which Oswald listed three personal references one of whom was Jack Ruby. Aucoin also mentioned that attorney Sam (MONK) Zelden has knowledge of this application as he is an attorney for the trucking firm."
Southland Center meeting
- Antonio Veciana
- HSCA Report, Volume X, Section III: Antonio Veciana Blanch
- Gaeton Fonzi, "Reply From a Conspiracy Believer"
- Our Hidden History transcript of the 2014 AARC conference where Antonio Veciana spoke
- Newsweek, "The CIA's Secrets About JFK, Che, and Castro Revealed in New Book By Former Operative" by Jefferson Morley, 2017/05/28 - Veciana says David Atlee Phillips was with Oswald before the assassination
- Dan Hardway, "A PROFESSIONAL CONSPIRATOR: Questions About Antonio Veciana and His Book: Trained To Kill", 2017/04/20
- Wynne Johnson
Mexico City visit
- HSCA concluded that Oswald being impersonated in Mexico City was a viable possibility (from NARA #180-10144-10236)